* This program models an investment earning simple interest.
* An investment earning simple interest has three attributes:
* present value (the amount of money invested), the nominal
* annual interest rate, and the term (the number of years).
* Calculated values include the total amount of interest
* earned and the future value (the value of the investment
* at the end of its term).
* Aug 2006
* D. Searls
* Asbury College

#include <iostream>  // Provides input/output capabilities
#include <iomanip>   // Provides output formatting

using namespace std;

int main()
    double presentValue;          // The value at the beginning
    double nominalRate;           // Nominal annual rate
    int years;                    // The term of the investment
    double interest;              // The amount of interest earned
    double futureValue;           // The value at the end

    // Display instructions.
    cout << "This program models an investment earning simple interest." << endl;
    cout << "You will be asked to enter the present value, the nominal" << endl;
    cout << "annual interest rate, and the term (in years)." << endl << endl;

    // Input the present value, the nominal rate and
    // the number of years.

    cout << "Enter the present value: ";
    cin >> presentValue;
    cout << "Enter the nominal annual rate (as a %): ";
    cin >> nominalRate;
    cout << "Enter the number of years: ";
    cin >> years;
    cout << endl;
    // Calculcate the interest and the future value.
    interest = presentValue * nominalRate/100.0 * (double)years;
    futureValue = presentValue + interest;

    // Display a report for this investment.
    cout << fixed << setprecision(2);
    cout << "Present Value: $" << presentValue << endl;
    cout << "Nominal Rate: " << nominalRate << "%" << endl;
    cout << "Term: " << years << " years" << endl;
    cout << "Interest: $" << interest << endl;
    cout << "Future Value: $" << futureValue << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << endl;
    return 0;