struct recordType {
    string stuID;    // Unique student identifier
    int height;      // Height in inches
    int weight;      // Weight in pounds

struct listType {
    recordType stuRecord[MAXSIZE]; // Array of student records
    int n;                         // Number of records in the array

// sortById
// Purpose: sort the data in the list in ascending order by
//    student id.
// The selection sort algorithm is used.
// In/Out Parameter: list
void sortById(listType& list)
    recordType temp; // Temporary storage for a record
    int pass;        // Counts passes through the list
    int pos;         // Position in unsorted sublist
    int minPos;      // Position of minimum value    

    for(pass = 0; pass < list.n - 1; pass++)
        minPos = pass;

        // Find the position of the minimum value

        for (pos = pass + 1; pos < list.n; pos++)
            if (list.stuRecord[pos].stuID < list.stuRecord[minPos].stuID)
                minPos = pos;

        // Swap the minimum value with the first value
        // in the unsorted portion of the list

        temp = list.stuRecord[pass];
        list.stuRecord[pass] = list.stuRecord[minPos];
        list.stuRecord[minPos] = temp;

// sortByHeight
// Purpose: sort the data in the list in ascending order by
//    height.
// The insertion sort algorithm is used.
// In/Out Parameter: list
void sortByHeight(listType& list)
    recordType temp; // Temporary storage for a record
    int pos;         // Position in sorted sublist.
    for(int i = 1; i < list.n; i++)
        if (list.stuRecord[i].height < list.stuRecord[i-1].height)
            temp = list.stuRecord[i];
            pos = i;
                list.stuRecord[pos] = list.stuRecord[pos - 1];
            } while (pos > 0 && temp.height < list.stuRecord[pos - 1].height);
            list.stuRecord[pos] = temp;            