// String Demo
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    // String constructors construct a string object having a
    // known state.
    string str1;                // The new string object will store the
                                // the empty string.
    string str2("String two");  // The new string object will store
                                // the string indicated by the literal
                                // string parameter.
    string str3(str2);          // The new string object will have the
                                // the same state as the string object
                                // passed as a parameter.

    // Display the values of the three strings. The inserter operator is defined
    // for strings as part of the string class.
    cout << "String 1: " << str1 << endl;
    cout << "String 2: " << str2 << endl;
    cout << "String 3: " << str3 << endl << endl;
    // Assign new values to each string. The assignment operator is defined
    // for strings as part of the string class.
    str1 = "cat";
    str2 = "Dog";
    str3 = "horse";
    cout << str1 << ' ' << str2 << " " << str3 << endl << endl;
    // Demonstrate relational operators. The relational operators are defined
    // for strings as part of the string class.
    cout << boolalpha;
    cout << str1 << " < " << str2 << " is " << (str1 < str2) << endl;
    cout << str1 << " <=  " << str3 << " is " << (str1 <= str3) << endl << endl;
    // Demonstrate concatenation. The concatenation operator is defined
    // as part of the string class.
    str1 = "sea";
    str2 = "horse";
    str3 = str1 + str2;
    cout << str1 + " + " + str2 + ' ' + '=' + ' ' + str3 << endl << endl;
    // Determine the number of characters in the string
    cout << str1 << " is " << str1.length() << " characters long." << endl;
    cout << str2 << " is " << str2.length() << " characters long." << endl;
    cout << str3 << " is " << str3.length() << " characters long." << endl << endl;

    // Demonstrate how to access individual characters in a string using
    // the array subscript operator.
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < str1.length(); i++)
        cout << str1[i] << ' ';
    cout << endl << endl;

    // Demonstrate how to access individual characters in a string using
    // the at() method.
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < str1.length(); i++)
        cout << str1.at(i) << ' ';
    cout << endl << endl;
    // Determine the maximum number of positions in a string object.
    cout << "Maximum string length: " << str1.max_size() << endl << endl;
    return 0;