
CSC122 - Computer Science II

Syllabus, Spring 2012

Three (3) Credit Hours
Room: HR 308 (Labs in HR 314)
Time: 9:00 - 9:50 a.m. (M, W, F)
Lab Time: 3:00 - 5:30 p.m. (M)
Office Hours: As shown below and by appointment.

Text: C++ Programming: Program Design Including Data Structures, 5th ed.; Malik; Thomson Course Technology; 2011

Prerequisite: CSC 121, Computer Science I (or equivalent)


This course is the second in a two-semester sequence designed to introduce the student to computer science and computer programming. A student successfully completing this course will be able to:


Grades will be based on the following activities:

1. Three comprehensive exams worth 100 points each. Each exam covers material from the beginning of the textbook up to the most recent material covered. The first two exams will be given during regular class time and the third exam will be given during the normal final exam period.

2. Fourteen laboratory assignments worth 10 points each. Lab assignments are due at the end of the lab period. Lab assignments turned in late will receive no credit unless I determine that there were extenuating circumstances. Combined lab/homework assignments are due at the beginning of the first class of the following week.

3. Fourteen homework assignments worth 10 points each. Homework assignments are due at the beginning of the first class of the following week. The final assignment is due at the beginning of the final exam period.


Letter grades are assigned on the basis of the number of points earned compared to the number of points possible:

Grade Points
     A 540-580
     A- 522-539
     B+ 505-521
     B 482-504
     B- 464-481
     C+ 447-463
     C 424-446
     C- 406-423
     D 348-405
     F 000-347


In CSC 122, a student who is absent from regular classes sixteen or more times and who is passing the course will receive a grade of "N" (no credit). If such a student is failing the course then the student will receive a grade of "F". Note that under this policy there is no such thing as a "tardy". Make-up tests will be given only if the student arranges it AHEAD of time or if the absence is officially "excused".


The work submitted by a student is expected to be the product of the student alone. Cheating, in any form, will result in a grade of zero for the work involved. Students who give assistance to other students will suffer the same penalty. Multiple occurrences will be dealt with under the policies established by the college.

The only exception to this strict policy is if a project is assigned explicitly as a group project. On a group project, it is expected that each member of the group will contribute equally to the final product.


Month Day Activity or Material Covered
Jan 9 Ch. 15: Exception Handling (Lab 1)
  11 Ch. 15: Exception Handling (Hmwk 1)
  13 Ch. 16: Recursion (Lab 2)
  18 Martin Luther King Day (No Classes)
  18 Ch. 16: Recursion (Hmwk 2)
  20 Ch. 16: Recursion
  23 Introduction to Graphics (Lab 3)
  25 World Coordinates (Hmwk 3)
  27 Graphs of Parametric Equations
  30 Graphs of Parameteric Equations (Lab 4)
Feb 1 Linked Lists (Hmwk 4)
  3 Linked Lists
  6 Linked Lists(Lab 5)
  8 Linked Lists (Hmwk 5)
  10 Hash Tables
  13 Hash Tables (Lab/Hmwk 6)
  15 Test 1
  17 Stacks
  20 Stacks (Lab 7)
  22 Postfix Expressions (Hmwk 7)
  24 Postfix Expressions
  27 Graphing Functions with One Variable (Lab 8)
  29 Queues (Hmwk 8)
Mar 2 Queues
  5 Queues & Simulation (Lab 9)
  7 Simulation (Hmwk 9)
  9 Simulation
  12 Spring Break
  14 Spring Break
  16 Spring Break
  19 Column Chart (Lab 10)
  21 Image Processing Overview (Hmwk 10)
  23 Command Line Interpreter
  26 Reading Image Files (Lab 11)
  28 Test 2
  30 Displaying an Image (Hmwk 11)
Apr 2 Brightness and Contrast Adjustments (Lab 12)
  4 Resizing an Image
  6 Good Friday Break
  9 Easter Break
  11 Applying a Filter to an Image (Hmwk 12)
  13 3-D Wireframe Models
  16 3-D Transformations (Lab 13)
  18 Orthogonal and Perspective Projections (Hmwk 13)
  20 Polygon Mesh Models
  23 Back-face Culling (Lab 14)
  25 Binary Trees (Hmwk 14)
  27 Binary Trees
May Test 3 at 8:00 A.M.