
Graphics Window Coordinates

#include <graphics.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

//                    M A I N   D R I V E R

int main()
    int grErrCode;

    // Initialize the graphics window.
    initwindow(200, 150, "200 x 150");
    grErrCode = graphresult();    // Get result of initialization
    if( grErrCode != grOk )       // Error occured during init
        cout << " Graphics System Error: " << grapherrormsg(grErrCode) << endl;
        exit( 1 );
    // Display corner coordinates
    // Upper-left corner
    line(1, 1, 1, 6);
    line(1, 1, 6, 1);
    line(1, 1, 10, 10);
    bgiout << "(0, 0)";
    outstreamxy(14, 12);
    // Upper-right corner
    line(198, 1, 198, 6);
    line(198, 1, 193, 1);
    line(198, 1, 189, 10);
    bgiout << "(199, 0)";
    outstreamxy(138, 12);
    // Lower-right corner

    line(198, 148, 198, 143);
    line(198, 148, 193, 148);
    line(198, 148, 189, 139);
    bgiout << "(199, 149)";
    outstreamxy(122, 119);
    // Lower-left corner

    line(1, 148, 1, 143);
    line(1, 148, 6, 148);
    line(1, 148, 10, 139);
    bgiout << "(0, 149)";
    outstreamxy(14, 119);

    // Terminate the program after user taps almost any key.
    return 0;

Simple Graphics Program

// HelloWorld
// A very simple graphics program.
#include <graphics.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int grErrCode;
    // Initialize the graphics window.
    initwindow(200, 200, "Hello World");
    grErrCode = graphresult();
    if( grErrCode != grOk )
        cout << " Graphics System Error: " << grapherrormsg(grErrCode) << endl;
        exit( 1 );
    // Draw a yellow square in the center of the screen.
    line( 50,  50, 150,  50);  // top
    line(150,  50, 150, 150);  // right side
    line(150, 150,  50, 150);  // bottom
    line( 50, 150,  50,  50);  // left side
   // Draw a cyan square in the center of the screen.
    moveto( 50, 50);
    lineto(150,  50);  // top
    lineto(150, 150);  // right side
    lineto( 50, 150);  // bottom
    lineto( 50,  50);  // left side
   // Draw a light green square in the center of the screen.
    moveto(   50,   50);
    linerel( 100,    0);  // top
    linerel(   0,  100);  // right side
    linerel(-100,    0);  // bottom
    linerel(   0, -100);  // left side
    // Draw a white square in the center of the screen.
    int coord[10] = {50, 50, 150, 50, 150, 150, 50, 150, 50, 50};
    drawpoly(5, coord);
    // Fill the interior of the square with light blue.
    setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, LIGHTBLUE);
    floodfill(100, 100, WHITE);
    // Display the text "Hello World" in the middle of the square in black.
    bgiout << "Hello World";
    outstreamxy(61, 92);
    // Terminate the program after user taps almost any key.

    return 0;

// Hexagon
// Draw a regular hexagon

#include <graphics.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

const double PI = 3.14159265358979;

Draw Hexagons

// drawHexagon1
// Draw a regular hexagon. This version uses the
// line function to draw each side. This version
// also relies on a set of predetermined points.
// As a result its usefulness is severly limited.
void drawHexagon1()
    // Center at (300,300)
    // Radius of 190
    line(490, 300, 395, 465);
    line(395, 465, 205, 465);
    line(205, 465, 110, 300);
    line(110, 300, 205, 135);
    line(205, 135, 395, 135);
    line(395, 135, 490, 300);

// drawHexagon2
// Draw a regular hexagon. This version uses the
// moveto and lineto functions to draw the sides.
// This version also relies on a set of
// predetermined points. As a result its
// usefulness is severly limited.
void drawHexagon2()
    // Center at (300,300)
    // Radius of 180
    moveto(480, 300);
    lineto(390, 456);
    lineto(210, 456);
    lineto(120, 300);
    lineto(210, 144);
    lineto(390, 144);
    lineto(480, 300);

// drawHexagon3
// This function draws a regular hexagon using
// the specified color. It will have the
// specified (circumscribed) radius and be
// centered on the specified point. Because the
// characteristics of the hexagon are parameters
// to this function, the function is very
// versatile.
void drawHexagon3(int color,
                  int centerX, int centerY,
                  int radius)
    double angle;     // radians
    int oldColor;
    oldColor = getcolor();
    angle = 0;
    moveto(centerX + int(double(radius) * cos(angle) + 0.5),
           centerY + int(double(radius) * sin(angle) + 0.5));
    angle = PI / 3.0;
    lineto(centerX + int(double(radius) * cos(angle) + 0.5),
           centerY + int(double(radius) * sin(angle) + 0.5));
    angle = 2.0 * PI / 3.0;
    lineto(centerX + int(double(radius) * cos(angle) + 0.5),
           centerY + int(double(radius) * sin(angle) + 0.5));
    angle = PI;
    lineto(centerX + int(double(radius) * cos(angle) + 0.5),
           centerY + int(double(radius) * sin(angle) + 0.5));
    angle = 4.0 * PI / 3.0;
    lineto(centerX + int(double(radius) * cos(angle) + 0.5),
           centerY + int(double(radius) * sin(angle) + 0.5));
    angle = 5.0 * PI / 3.0;
    lineto(centerX + int(double(radius) * cos(angle) + 0.5),
           centerY + int(double(radius) * sin(angle) + 0.5));
    angle = 0;
    lineto(centerX + int(double(radius) * cos(angle) + 0.5),
           centerY + int(double(radius) * sin(angle) + 0.5));

//                  M A I N   D R I V E R

int main()
    int grErrCode;
    // Initialize a 600 by 600 graphics window.
    initwindow(600, 600, "Hexagons");
    grErrCode = graphresult();    // Get result of initialization
    if( grErrCode != grOk )       // Error occured during init
        cout << " Graphics System Error: " << grapherrormsg(grErrCode) << endl;
        exit( 1 );

    drawHexagon3(LIGHTGREEN, 300, 300, 170);
    for (int i = 0; i <= 400; i = i + 8)
        drawHexagon3(COLOR(rand()%256,rand()%256,rand()%256), 300, 300, i);
    return 0;