
The Header File for a Simple Data Class

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;


class dataClass

    int age;
    string name;

    // Default Constructor
    // The name is set to the empty string and the
    // age is set to zero.
    // Initialization Constructor
    // The name and age are set to the specifed values.
    // In Parameters: newName, newAge
    dataClass(string newName, int age);

    // Copy Constructor
    // The new object has the same name and age as
    // obj.
    // In Parameter: obj
    dataClass(const dataClass& obj);
    // getName
    // Return the name of this object.
    string getName() const;
    // getAge
    // Return the age of this object.
    int getAge() const;
    // setName
    // Set the name of this object to the specified
    // value.
    // In Parameter: newName
    void setName(string newName);
    // setAge
    // Set the age of this object to the specified
    // value.
    // In Parameter: newAge
    void setAge(int newAge);

    // Equality operator
    // Return true if the name field of this object
    // is equal to the name field of r2 and false
    // otherwise.
    // In Parameter: r2
    bool operator == (const dataClass& r2) const;
    // Less than operator
    // Return true if the name field of this object
    // is less than the name field of r2 and false
    // otherwise.
    // In Parameter: r2
    bool operator < (const dataClass& r2) const;
    // Greater than operator
    // Return true if the name field of this object
    // is greater than the name field of r2 and
    // false otherwise.
    // In Parameter: r2
    bool operator > (const dataClass& r2) const;
    // displayData
    // Display the data in this object on the screen
    // as one line of text followed by a newline
    // character.
    void displayData() const;


The Implementation File for a Simple Data Class

#include "dataClass.h"

// Default Constructor
// The name is set to the empty string and the
// age is set to zero.
    name = "";
    age = 0;

// Initialization Constructor
// The name and age are set to the specifed values.
// In Parameters: newName, newAge
dataClass::dataClass(string newName, int newAge)
    name = newName;
    age = newAge;

// Copy Constructor
// The new object has the same name and age as
// obj.
// In Parameter: obj
dataClass::dataClass(const dataClass& obj)
    name = obj.name;
    age = obj.age;

// getName
// Return the name of this object.
string dataClass::getName() const
    return name;

// getAge
// Return the age of this object.
int dataClass::getAge() const
    return age;

// setName
// Set the name of this object to the specified
// value.
// In Parameter: newName
void dataClass::setName(string newName)
    name = newName;

// setAge
// Set the age of this object to the specified
// value.
// In Parameter: newAge
void dataClass::setAge(int newAge)
    age = newAge;

// Equality operator
// Return true if the name field of this object
// is equal to the name field of r2 and false
// otherwise.
// In Parameter: r2
bool dataClass::operator == (const dataClass& r2) const
    return name == r2.name;

// Less than operator
// Return true if the name field of this object
// is less than the name field of r2 and false
// otherwise.
// In Parameter: r2
bool dataClass::operator < (const dataClass& r2) const
    return name < r2.name;

// Greater than operator
// Return true if the name field of this object
// is greater than the name field of r2 and
// false otherwise.
// In Parameter: r2
bool dataClass::operator > (const dataClass& r2) const
    return name > r2.name;

// displayData
// Display the data in this object on the screen
// as one line of text followed by a newline
// character.
void dataClass::displayData() const
    cout << ' ' << name << ' ' << age << endl;

A List Class Implemented Using A Statically Allocated Array

// arrList.cpp
// File for a list class based on arrays.
// D. Searls
// Jan 2008

using namespace std;

template<class itemType>
class list

    static const int MAXSIZE = 100;
    itemType data[MAXSIZE];
    int current;
    int n;

    // Default Constructor
    // Constructs an empty list.
        n = 0;
    // Copy Constructor
    // Constructs a list populated with the values in the
    // specified list in the same order as they appear in
    // the list.
    // In Parameter: theList
    list(const list& theList)
        for(int i = 0; i < theList.n; i++)
            data[i] = theList.data[i];
        n = theList.n;
    // push_front
    // Insert the specified item at the front of the list.
    // In Parameter: item
    void push_front(const itemType& item)
        if (n == MAXSIZE)
            cout << "The List is Full!" << endl;
        for (int i = n; i > 0; i--)
            data[i] = data[i-1];
        data[0] = item;
    // remove
    // Remove the first element equal to the specified item.
    // Equality is based on the result returned by the ==
    // operator applied to items in the list.
    // In Parameter: item
    void remove(const itemType& item)
        int i = 0;
        while (i < n && !(item == data[i]))
        if (i < n) // item was found so remove it
            while (i < n-1)
                data[i] = data[i+1];
    // clear
    // Remove all of the items from the list.
    void clear()
        n = 0;
    // size
    // Return the number of items in the list.
    int size()
        return n;
    // sort
    // Sort the values in ascending order based on the
    // result returned by the < operator applied to the
    // items in the list.
    void sort()
        int start; // index of 1st node in unsorted portion of list
        int min;   // index of node with minimum value
        int curr;  // index of current node
        itemType temp; // Temporary record used in swapping
        start = 0;
        while (start != n-1)  // More than one item in unsorted portion
            min = start;
            curr = start + 1;
            while (curr != n)
                if (data[curr] < data[min])
                    min = curr;
                curr = curr + 1;
            if (min != start)
                temp = data[start];
                data[start] = data[min];
                data[min] = temp;
            start = start + 1;
    // find
    // Return a pointer to the first element in the list
    // that is equal to the specified item based on the ==
    // operator applied to items in the list. If there is
    // no element equal to the item,
    // return NULL.
    // In Parameter: item
    itemType* find(const itemType& item)
        int curr;  // Pointer to current node
        curr = 0;
        while (curr != n && !(data[curr] == item))
            curr = curr + 1;
        return itemAt(curr);
    // begin
    // Return a pointer to the first item in the list or
    // end() if the list is empty.
    // The functions begin(), next(), and end() are meant
    // to be used to perform a linear traversal of the list.
    itemType* begin()
        current = 0;
        return itemAt(current);
    // next
    // Return a pointer to the next item in the list or
    // end() if there is no next item.
    // The functions begin(), next(), and end() are meant
    // to be used to perform a linear traversal of the list.
    itemType* next()
        if (current != n)
            current = current + 1;
        return itemAt(current);
    // end
    // Return a pointer just past the last element in the
    // list.
    // The functions begin(), next(), and end() are meant
    // to be used to perform a linear traversal of the list.
    itemType* end()
        return NULL;

    // itemAt
    // Return a pointer to the information at the specified
    // location. If the location is NULL then this method
    // returns a NULL pointer.
    // Pre-condition: location points to an existing node
    // in the list or is NULL.
    // In Parameter: location
    itemType* itemAt(int location)
        itemType* ptr;
        if (location != n)
            ptr = &(data[location]);
            ptr = end();
        return ptr;



An Application to Test the List Class

// File: arrListTest.cpp
// Purpose: test the list class implementation.
// D. Searls
// Asbury College
// Jan 2008
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include "arrList.cpp"
#include "dataClass.h"
using namespace std;

// Function: readData
// Purpose: read data from a text file placing
//   faculty records in the fac list and student
//   records in the student list. The file name
//   is "people.txt".
// Pre-conditions: fac and stu are empty lists.
//   There are no incomplete records in the
//   data file.
// Post-conditions: fac is a list of faculty
//   data and stu is a list of student data.
// Out parameters: fac, stu
void readData(list<dataClass>& fac, list<dataClass>& stu)
    ifstream infile;         // input file
    dataClass onePerson;     // one person's data
    char statusCode;
    string name;
    int age;
    if (!infile.fail())
        infile >> statusCode;
        while (!infile.fail())
            infile >> age;
            getline(infile, name);
            if (statusCode == 'F')
            infile >> statusCode;
        cout << "Unable to open the input file. Program aborted!" << endl;

// display
// Display the contents of myList on the screen.
// In Parameter: myList
void display(list<dataClass>& myList)
    dataClass* ptr;
    ptr = myList.begin();
    while (ptr != myList.end())
        cout << "  " << ptr->getName() << " " << ptr->getAge() << endl;
        ptr = myList.next();

// update
// Update myList by adding one to the age field
// of each record.
// In/Out Parameter: myList
void update(list<dataClass>& myList)
    dataClass* ptr;
    ptr = myList.begin();
    while (ptr != myList.end())
        ptr->setAge(ptr->getAge() + 1);
        ptr = myList.next();

//         M a i n   D r i v e r
int main()
    list<dataClass> faculty;    // List of faculty
    list<dataClass> students;   // List of students
    dataClass facRecord;        // Faculty record
    dataClass* ptr;
    string name;

    readData(faculty, students);

    // Display the two lists.
    cout << faculty.size() << " Faculty:" << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << students.size() << " Students:" << endl;
    cout << endl;
    // Sort lists and redisplay them.
    cout << "Students sorted:" << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Faculty sorted:" << endl;
    cout << endl;
    // Update faculty ages and display updated list.
    cout << "Updated faculty list:" << endl;
    cout << endl;
    // Search faculty list
    cout << "Search faculty list by name. ";
    cout << "Searching terminates when search fails.\n\n";
    cout << "Enter name of faculty person: ";
    getline(cin, name);
    ptr = faculty.find(facRecord);
    while (ptr != faculty.end())
        cout << ptr->getName() << " is " << ptr->getAge() << endl;
        cout << "Enter name of faculty person: ";
        getline(cin, name);
        ptr = faculty.find(facRecord);
    cout << '\'' << name << "' not found." << endl << endl;
    cout << endl << endl;
    // Clear both lists
    cout << "After clearing both lists:" << endl;
    cout << "  Size of faculty list: " << faculty.size() << endl;
    cout << "  Size of student list: " << students.size() << endl << endl;
    // Now we'll repopulate a list and test the remove function
    // by removing the first element, the last element, and an
    // element in between the first and last.
    for (char ch = 'f'; ch >= 'a'; ch--)
        facRecord.setName(string(5, ch));
    // Display list
    cout << "New faculty list:" << endl;
    cout << "Size (length) of faculty list: " << faculty.size() << endl;
    cout << endl;
    // Delete first item and display resulting list
    facRecord.setName(string(5, 'a'));
    faculty.remove(facRecord); // Remove first element in list
    cout << "List after removing \"" + facRecord.getName() + "\":" << endl;
    cout << "Size (length) of faculty list: " << faculty.size() << endl;
    cout << endl;
    // Delete last item and display resulting list
    facRecord.setName(string(5, 'f'));
    faculty.remove(facRecord); // Remove last element in list
    cout << "List after removing \"" + facRecord.getName() + "\":" << endl;
    cout << "Size (length) of faculty list: " << faculty.size() << endl;
    cout << endl;
    // Remove an element other than first or last and display resulting list
    facRecord.setName(string(5, 'c'));
    faculty.remove(facRecord); // Remove element between first and last
    cout << "List after removing \"" + facRecord.getName() + "\":" << endl;
    cout << "Size (length) of faculty list: " << faculty.size() << endl;
    cout << endl;
    // Try to remove an item not in the list and display resulting list
    facRecord.setName(string(5, 't'));
    faculty.remove(facRecord); // Try to remove item not in list
    cout << "List after removing \"" + facRecord.getName() + "\":" << endl;
    cout << "Size (length) of faculty list: " << faculty.size() << endl;
    cout << endl;
    // Test list class with integers
    list<int> intList;  // List of integers;
    int* intPtr;
    // Populate the list
    for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
    // Display the list
    for (intPtr = intList.begin(); intPtr != intList.end(); intPtr = intList.next())
        cout << *intPtr << "  ";
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Size of intList is " << intList.size() << endl << endl;
    // Sort the list and display the resulting list
    for (intPtr = intList.begin(); intPtr != intList.end(); intPtr = intList.next())
        cout << *intPtr << "  ";
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Size of intList is " << intList.size() << endl << endl;
    // Remove some elements and display resulting list
    intList.remove (800);
    for (intPtr = intList.begin(); intPtr != intList.end(); intPtr = intList.next())
        cout << *intPtr << "  ";
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Size of intList is " << intList.size() << endl << endl;
    return 0;