ERR (0xFE)

The ERR instruction displays the text "ERROR" in the input/output window and halts program execution.

Interpreter Microcode

The microinstructions are listed in the order in which they are executed; not the order in which they are stored in the control store.

0x0fe  H=OPC=-1; goto 0x62
0x062  OPC=H+OPC; goto 0x63
0x063  MAR=  H+OPC; goto 0x65
0x065  H=OPC=1; goto 0x66
0x066  H=OPC=H+OPC; goto 0x67
0x067  H=OPC=H+OPC; goto 0x68
0x068  H=OPC=H+OPC; goto 0x69
0x069  H=OPC=H+OPC+1; goto 0x6a
0x06a  H=OPC=H+OPC; goto 0x6b
0x06b  MDR=H+OPC+1; wr; goto 0x6c
0x06c  H=OPC=1; goto 0x6d
0x06d  H=OPC=H+OPC; goto 0x6e
0x06e  H=OPC=H+OPC+1; goto 0x6f
0x06f  H=OPC=H+OPC; goto 0x70
0x070  H=OPC=H+OPC; goto 0x71
0x071  H=OPC=H+OPC+1; goto 0x72
0x072  MDR=H+OPC; wr; goto 0x73
0x073  ALU=0; goto 0x74
0x074  MDR=  H+OPC; wr; goto 0x75
0x075  H=OPC=1; goto 0x76
0x076  H=OPC=H+OPC; goto 0x77
0x077  H=OPC=H+OPC; goto 0x78
0x078  H=OPC=H+OPC+1; goto 0x79
0x079  H=OPC=H+OPC+1; goto 0x7a
0x07a  H=OPC=H+OPC+1; goto 0x7b
0x07b  MDR=H+OPC+1; wr; goto 0x7c
0x07c  H=OPC=1; goto 0x7d
0x07d  H=OPC=H+OPC; goto 0x7f
0x07f  H=OPC=H+OPC+1; goto 0x80
0x080  H=OPC=H+OPC; goto 0x81
0x081  H=OPC=H+OPC; goto 0x82
0x082  H=OPC=H+OPC+1; goto 0x83
0x083  MDR=H+OPC; wr; goto 0x85
0x085  ALU=0; goto 0xff

Example Program

// Demonstrate the ERR instruction.