
Solutions to Percent Conversion Exercises

These are the solutions to the percent exercises. You are strongly advised to work out your own solutions before you look at these.

Exercise 1

Find the decimal equivalent of 9.17%.

9.17% = 9.17 per hundred = 9.17/100 = 0.0917

Exercise 2

Convert 0.2199 to percent.

0.2199 = 0.2199 × 100/100 = 0.2199 × 100 per hundred = 0.2199 × 100% = 21.99%

Exercise 3

Find the decimal equivalent of 225%.

225% = 225 per hundred = 225/100 = 2.25

Exercise 4

Convert 0.0375 to percent.

0.0375 = 0.0375 × 100/100 = 0.0375 × 100 per hundred = 0.0375 × 100% = 3.75%

Exercise 5

Find the decimal equivalent of 8.3%.

8.3% = 8.3 per hundred = 8.3/100 = 0.083

Exercise 6

Convert 0.0149 to percent.

0.0149 = 0.0149 × 100/100 = 0.0149 × 100 per hundred = 0.0149 × 100% = 1.49%

Exercise 7

Find the decimal equivalent of 2.49%.

2.49% = 2.49/100 = 0.0249

Exercise 8

Convert 1.25 to percent.

1.25 = 1.25 × 100% = 125%

Exercise 9

Find the decimal equivalent of 17.19%.

17.19% = 17.19/100 = 0.1719

Exercise 10

Convert 0.114 to percent.

0.114 = 0.114 × 100% = 11.4%