
Basic Steps for Creating a Chart

1. Highlight the data that you want to illustrate with a chart.

2. Use the "Insert" tool to insert your chart. This will create the basic chart and create a set of "Chart Tools" on the tool ribbon. Initially, you will be in the section of chart tools labeled "Design".

3. Use the "Select Data" tool to edit the horizontal axis labels.

4. Go the section of chart tools labeled "Layout".

5. Use the "Chart Title" tool to add a title above your chart.

6. Use the "Axis Titles" tool to add a title for the horizontal axis.

7. If necessary, use the "Axis Titles" tool to add a title for the vertical axis.

8. Use the "Legend" tool to turn off the legend if your chart illustrates only one set of data.

9. Format the horizontal axis. (Use the "Axes" tool or right-click on the horizontal axis labels and choose the "Format Axis" option from the drop-down menu.)

10. Format the vertical axis. (Use the "Axes" tool or right-click on the vertical axis labels and choose the "Format Axis" option from the drop-down menu.)