
Homework 24

Write a program that simulates 1000 rolls of a single die and summarizes the results in a table.

Output Specifications

The results are to be displayed in a table formatted as shown below where ### indicates an integer value displayed in a field three characters wide.

Dots   Frequency
----   ---------
  1       ###
  2       ###
  3       ###
  4       ###
  5       ###
  6       ###

Input Specifications

None. This program has no input.

Process Specifications

Your program should include a value-returning function that returns a random integer value in the range 1 to 6 inclusive. Your main program should invoke this function 1,000 times and count how many times it returns a 1, how many times it returns a 2, and so on.

C++ includes a function named rand( ) that returns random numbers in the range 0 to RAND_MAX (inclusive). RAND_MAX is usually the same as INT_MAX (the largest possible integer value). Random numbers in the range 0 to n-1 inclusive can be generated using this expression:


For example, to generate one of 6 random values in the range 0 to 5 inclusive, use this expression:
