
An Implemenation of a Hash Table Using Linear Probing to Resolve Collisions.

// Demonstrate a hash table with linear probing.
// D. Searls
// Asbury University
// Jan 2012

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

int const MAXSIZE = 211;  // Try 101, 211, and 997

struct shoeType
    int stockNum;
    string style;
    string color;
    int size;
    string width;
    void display()
        cout << left << setw(10) << stockNum;
        cout << setw(10) << style;
        cout << setw(10) << color;
        cout << setw(7) << size;
        cout << setw(10) << width;
        cout << endl;

// linearSearch
// Return the index at which the item with the specified
// stock number was found. If the item is not in the list,
// then return -1.
// In parameters: item, list, n
int linearSearch(int stockNum, const shoeType list[], int n)
    int pos = n-1;
    while (pos >= 0 && stockNum != list[pos].stockNum)
    return pos;

// hashInsert
// Insert the specified item into the hash table using
// linear probing to resolve collisions.
// Precondition: the table is not full.
// In Parameters: item, list
void hashInsert(shoeType item, shoeType list[])
    int pos = item.stockNum % MAXSIZE;
    while (list[pos].stockNum != 0)
        if (pos == MAXSIZE)
            pos = 0;
    list[pos] = item;
// hashSearch
// Return the index at which the item with the specified
// stock number was found. If the item is not in the list,
// then return -1.
// Precondition: the list is not full.
// In parameters: stockNum, list
int hashSearch(int stockNum, const shoeType list[])
    int pos = stockNum % MAXSIZE;
    while (list[pos].stockNum != stockNum && list[pos].stockNum != 0)
        if (pos == MAXSIZE)
            pos = 0;
    if (list[pos].stockNum == 0)
        pos = -1;
    return pos;

//*              M A I N   D R I V E R

int main()
    ifstream infile;
    shoeType shoe[MAXSIZE];
    shoeType myShoe;
    int pos;   // position of item in list
    int count; // number of items found
    int n;     // number of items in list
    // Read data into ordinary array and search for all possible
    // stock numbers.
    n = 0;
    infile >> myShoe.stockNum >> myShoe.style >> myShoe.color >> myShoe.size >> myShoe.width;
    while (!infile.fail())
        shoe[n] = myShoe;
        infile >> myShoe.stockNum >> myShoe.style >> myShoe.color >> myShoe.size >> myShoe.width;
    cout << n << " items in list" << endl << endl;
    count = 0;
    for(int stockNum = 1000000; stockNum < 10000000; stockNum++)
        pos = linearSearch(stockNum, shoe, n);
        if (pos >= 0)
    cout << count << " items were found" << endl << endl;
    // Now, do it all over again using a hash table to store the data.
    // Set up the table with invalid stock numbers.
    for (int i = 0; i < MAXSIZE; i++)
        shoe[i].stockNum = 0;
    // Read the data into the file.
    n = 0;
    infile >> myShoe.stockNum >> myShoe.style >> myShoe.color >> myShoe.size >> myShoe.width;
    while (!infile.fail())
        hashInsert(myShoe, shoe);
        infile >> myShoe.stockNum >> myShoe.style >> myShoe.color >> myShoe.size >> myShoe.width;
    cout << n << " items in list" << endl << endl;
    // Perform the searches
    count = 0;
    for(int stockNum = 1000000; stockNum < 10000000; stockNum++)
        pos = hashSearch(stockNum, shoe);
        if (pos >= 0)
    cout << count << " items were found " << endl << endl;

    return 0;