
A Simple Array-Based Stack Implementation

// A stack class.
// D. Searls
// Jan 2008

using namespace std;

template<class itemType>
class stack

    itemType* arr;
    int n;
    int capacity;
    // createStack
    // Allocate memory for a new, empty stack.
    void createStack()
            arr = new itemType[capacity];
            n = 0;
        catch (bad_alloc bae)
            cout << "Memory Allocation Failure! Program Terminated";
            cout << endl << endl;

    // Default Constructor
    // Construct an empty stack of size 100.
        capacity = 100;
    // Initialization Constructor
    // Construct an empty stack of the specified size.
    // In Parameter: size
    stack(int size)
        capacity = size;
    // Destructor
    // Remove all of the items from the stack
        delete [] arr;
    // push
    // Push the specified item onto the top of the stack.
    // Precondition: full() is false.
    // Postconditions: size() will be incremented by 1 and
    // item will be at the top of the stack.
    // In Parameter: item
    void push(const itemType& item)
        if (n < capacity)
            arr[n] = item;
    // pop
    // Remove and discard the item on the top of the stack.
    // Precondition: empty() is false.
    // Postcondition: size() will be decremented by 1.
    void pop()
        if (n > 0)
    // size
    // Return the number of items in the stack.
    int size()
        return n;
    // empty
    // Return true if the stack is empty and false
    // otherwise.
    bool empty()
        return (n == 0);
    // full
    // Return true if the stack is full and false
    // otherwise.
    bool full()
        return (n == capacity);
    // top
    // Return a mutable reference to the item on the top of
    // the stack.
    // Precondition: empty() is false.
    itemType& top()
        return arr[n-1];


Some Examples of Using a Stack

// StackDemos
// The primary purpose of this demo is to 
// illustrate how a stack can be used instead of
// recursion.
// D. Searls
// Asbury University
// 01/2012

#include "ArrayBasedStack1.cpp"
using namespace std;

// power
// Return the value of base raised to the
// specified non-negative integer exponent.
// In parameters: base, exponent
double power(double base, int exponent)
    stack<double> dStack;
    double result;
    while (exponent > 0)

    result = 1.0;
    while (!dStack.empty())
        result = result * dStack.top();
    return result;

// product
// Return the product of the specified integer
// values a and b.
// In parameters: a, b
int product(int a, int b)
    stack<int> iStack;
    int result;
    bool isNegative;
    isNegative = (b < 0);
    if (isNegative)
        b = -b;
    while (b > 0)

    result = 0;    
    while (!iStack.empty())
        result = result + iStack.top();
    if (isNegative)
        result = -result;
    return result;

// outputInBinary
// Output the specified non-negative integer as
// an numdigit binary number.
// In Parameter: n
void outputInBinary(int n, int numDigit)
    stack<char> chStack;
    char bit;

        bit = char(int('0') + n % 2);
        n = n / 2;
    } while (n > 0);
    for (int places = numDigit; places > chStack.size(); places--)
        cout << '0';
    while (!chStack.empty())
        cout << chStack.top();

//             M A I N   D R I V E R

int main()
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        cout << setw(8) << power(2.0, i) << endl;
    cout << endl;
    for (int i = -5; i <= 5; i++)
        cout << setw(8) << product (2, i) << endl;
    cout <<endl;
    for (int i = 0; i <=16; i++)
        cout << endl;
    cout << endl;
    return 0;