Syllabus, Spring 2013
Three (3) Credit Hours
Room: HR 312
Time: 1:00 - 1:50 p.m. (M, W, F)
Office Hours: As shown below and by appointment.
Text: College Mathematics for Business, Economics, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences, 11th ed.; Barnett, Ziegler, and Byleen; Pearson Prentice Hall; 2008
MAT 132 is an introduction to differential and integral calculus with applications to business and economics. A student successfully completing every aspect of this course should be able to
Handouts are indicated by a icon on the tentative course schedule below. The icon is a link to a Microsoft Word document that you should print out and bring to class with you. You should get in the habit of bringing your TI-83 calculator and the day's handout to class every time we meet.
After we have discussed the material for the day, the icon will become a icon which is a link to a Word document that details the solutions to that day's example problems.
1. Three exams worth 100 points each. The first two exams will be given during regular class time and the third exam will be given during the normal final exam period.
2. Nine quizzes worth 10 points each. A quiz is indicated by a icon in the tentative course schedule below. The icon is shown on the day of the quiz and is a link to a page that indicates what material the quiz will cover. Quizzes are given at the beginning of the class period and all quizzes will be collected at the same time. Consequently, students arriving to class late will have less time to complete the quiz. Students arriving after the quiz has been collected will not be permitted to take the quiz.
3. Thirty-seven homework assignments worth 5 points each. Homework assignments are indicated by a icon. The icon is shown on the date the assignment is given. The icon is a link to the assignment web page. The assignment is due at the beginning of the next class period. Homework assignments turned in late will receive no credit unless I determine that there were extenuating circumstances. The 5 lowest homework scores will be dropped.
Letter grades are assigned on the basis of the number of points earned out of the 550 points possible:
Grade | Points |
A | 512-550 |
A- | 495-511 |
B+ | 479-494 |
B | 457-478 |
B- | 440-456 |
C+ | 424-439 |
C | 402-423 |
C- | 385-401 |
D | 330-384 |
F | 000-329 |
All students are expected to attend class and to complete assignments and readings outside of class. If a student misses a class, the student is responsible for the work missed. The registrar will excuse an absence due to
When you present me with the official excused absence form, you will be permitted to make up any quiz or test you might have missed. An excused absence does not give you an excuse to turn homework in late. Homework can be turned in early by slipping it under my door, giving it to the Hamann-Ray administrative assistant (located on the middle of the second floor on the front side of the building), or giving it to a classmate to bring to class.
Decisions regarding missed or late work resulting from such circumstances as travel difficulties, bad weather, conflicting schedules, oversleeping, minor sickness, doctor or dentist appointments, job interviews, discretionary trips (such as weddings), and family responsibilities will be at my discretion and will be made on a case by case basis.
You can find Asbury University's attendance policy in the university bulletin at the following link:
The work (homework, Excel assignment, quiz or test) submitted by a student is expected to be the product of the student alone. In this course, cheating includes unauthorized collaboration (giving or receiving help from some person) and unauthorized access to sources (including notes, cheat sheets, digital documents, and so on). Incidents of academic dishonesty will be recorded in your permanent file. In addition, the following penalties will apply:
You can find Asbury University's complete academic integrity policy in the university bulletin at the following link:
The Center for Academic Excellence has tutors available to meet with you to work on a full range of academic meets. If you find yourself struggling in any of your classes, please contact them, and they will work to match you with a tutor ASAP. Services are all FREE, so take advantage of the opportunity! If there is not currently a tutor for the specific class for which you are requesting assistance, the CAE will do its best to work with your professor to find a student who can assist you.
To apply for a tutor, please locate the application on the CAE website
The CAE is located in KL 139 (basement of Kinlaw Library). You can send emails to [email protected] or call at campus extension 2196.
The mathematics department sponsors an open lab in HR 314 from 7:00 to 11:00 each weekday evening from Monday through Thursday. The student lab assistants have all had a full-year of calculus and should be able to answer your questions. You may need to describe the context of a problem because they might not be familiar with the business terminology, but they are familiar with the mathematics involved.
Each icon is a link to a Word document that you should print and bring with you to class that day. Each icon is a link to the homework assignment for that day. The homework is to be completed and turned in at the beginning of the next class period. Each icon is a link to a page indicating what section or sections will be covered on the quiz given that day.
Month | Day | Quiz | Activity or Material Covered |
Jan | 7 | Ch. 10-1: Introduction to Limits | |
9 | Ch. 10-4: The Derivative | ||
11 | Ch. 10-4: The Derivative | ||
14 | Ch. 10-5: Basic Differentiation Properties | ||
16 | Ch. 10-5: Basic Differentiation Properties | ||
18 | Ch. 10-6: Differentials | ||
21 | Martin Luther King Day (No Classes) | ||
23 | Ch. 10-6: Differentials | ||
25 | Ch. 10-7: Marginal Analysis | ||
28 | Ch. 10-7: Marginal Analysis | ||
30 | Ch. 11-1: Continuous Compound Interest | ||
Feb | 1 | Ch. 11-2: Derivatives of Exp and Log Functions | |
4 | Ch. 11-2: Derivatives of Exp and Log Functions | ||
6 | Ch. 11-3: Derivatives of Products and Quotients | ||
8 | Ch. 11-4: The Chain Rule | ||
11 | Ch. 11-4: The Chain Rule | ||
13 | Ch. 11-5: Implicit Differentiation | ||
15 | Ch. 11-6: Related Rates | ||
18 | Ch. 11-7: Elasticity of Demand | ||
20 | Ch. 11-7: Elasticity of Demand | ||
22 | Ch. 12-1: First Derivative and Graphs | ||
25 | Test 1: Chapters 10 & 11 | ||
27 | Ch. 12-2: Second Derivative and Graphs | ||
Mar | 1 | Ch. 12-5: Absolute Maxima and Minima | |
4 | Ch. 12-6: Optimization | ||
6 | Ch. 12-6: Optimization | ||
8 | Ch. 13-1: Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integrals | ||
11 | Spring Break | ||
13 | Spring Break | ||
15 | Spring Break | ||
18 | Ch. 13-1: Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integrals | ||
20 | Ch. 13-2: Integration by Substitution | ||
22 | Ch. 13-2: Integration by Substitution | ||
25 | Ch. 13-3: Differential Equations: Growth and Decay | ||
27 | Ch. 13-3: Differential Equations: Growth and Decay | ||
29 | Good Friday Break | ||
Apr | 1 | Easter Break | |
3 | Ch. 13-4: The Definite Integral | ||
5 | Ch. 13-5: Fundamental Theorem of Calculus | ||
8 | Ch. 13-5: Fundamental Theorem of Calculus | ||
10 | Ch. 14-1: Area between Curves | ||
12 | Ch. 14-1: Area between Curves | ||
15 | Test 2 on Chapters 12 & 13 | ||
17 | Ch. 14-2: Applications in Business and Economics | ||
19 | Ch. 14-2: Applications in Business and Economics | ||
22 | Ch. 14-2: Applications in Business and Economics | ||
24 | Ch. 14-2: Applications in Business and Economics | ||
26 | Ch. 14-2: Applications in Business and Economics | ||
30 | Comprehensive Final Exam at 10:30 A.M. |